Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent - From Darkness to Light

Advent is a season of moving slowly from darkness into light. Each week a new candle on the Advent wreath is lit and a bit more light is shed. If the church were dark and the Advent wreath the only light, the effect would be that, week by week, we would see more and more of the church. The darkness would recede in stages to reveal the church as it is, for better or for worse.

It is an apt metaphor for the Christian walk. Slowly, in a process that can not be rushed, the nature of Christ is revealed throughout our lives. As we embrace the love of Christ more and more we see who we are, for better and for worse.

It is also a metaphor for church life. The longer you stay, the more you see of a church, for better or for worse. The church is made up of fallible people. People can create knots of contention and throw well aimed spears of rancor, but, likewise, people can create a nest of comfort for the wounded and protection to the weak in spirit. Amazingly, we can do it all at the same time. Our hope and prayer is that the better parts increase and the worse parts decrease.

Just as the light of Christ shines brighter and brighter as time moves forward in each individual life, so then the light of Christ will shine brighter in the aggregate of Christians that is the church. It is not magic. It may be mystical. It is definitely work. We each do not become a beacon of light by wishful thinking, though certainly thinking on those things which are good and holy is extolled in scripture. We do not incrementally increase the light of Christ in the world by being the best read or studying the most though those things add to the conviction and assurance of the the correct path. We increase the light of Christ through our actions and our words. We can pray for forgiveness. We must also forgive. We can seek to see Christ more clearly and in so doing we may be shown the weakest and least desirable in society.

The children of the church are not any more or less a part of this process. Children need to be included in the process. We need to take their hands and lead them through the ups and downs of the church and the Christian life. They need our guidance and honesty. Share the truth of Christ's enduring and patient love with your children. Acknowledge errors and hypocrisy and act to correct them so that our children will be the next step in creating a church full of light. Humility is instrumental in the movement from dark to light. The church is not perfect as no place made up of humans is perfect. The life of a church is a path, often a winding one. The life of a Christian is a path, often a winding one. While it might start with the sudden and abrupt recognition of the light, with patience and humility and steadfastness the light will increase. This advent season let us look for the next candle to shine on our path for us and for our children.

Enjoy this season of moving from the dark into the light,


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