Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Perfect Gift

Carve out time this holiday season to spend few moments with your children. Spend time enjoying who they are. Teachable moments are great. Instilling discipline certainly necessary but don’t forget to spend time not lecturing or cajoling or reminding or correcting but just being with them and listening.  We can tell them that we love them and we should tell them that we love them, but listening to them and being in their world for just a few minutes once in a while will show them that you love them. Turn off your phone, don’t look at Facebook, ignore the TV and the radio and be with each of your children. Five minutes of coloring or cutting snowflakes or listening to knock- knock jokes will convince them of your love, will steady them in a hectic world.

Spending a little time alone with God, our heavenly father, calms and reassures us. The same is true for our children. A calm and quiet time with your children will be a blessing to them, will forge a connection between the two of you. That connection will give them confidence to face their world with the knowledge that they are truly liked and loved. That is a perfect Christmas gift.