Saturday, April 03, 2010


   The Easter egg hunt and children's party will begin in two hours. I have been here at the park since 6 a.m. to reserve the pavilions and tables. Claire and I arrived at the park in the darkness of early morning. We shuttled the first few loads of eggs, candy, balls and jump ropes to the tables in the dark. Within a few minutes there was a hint of light on the fog covering the soccer fields. When we turned around from filling the last few eggs with candy, the sky was streaked with pink and silver. Then, suddenly, it was daylight. The darkness seemed complete when we arrived and then it was gone and the day was completely here.

   Easter comes to me this way as well. The somberness of Lent goes on and on. There is a hint of Easter at Palm Sunday, but there is a long week of obligations ahead. Then I am startled to find that Easter is here with the glory of a resurrected savior and the hope of new beginnings.

   All of life changes just as fast as the church season and the breaking dawn. No day is just like the one before.  The child who was a little afraid of going into the trees to hunt for the eggs several years ago, sits beside me in the first light this morning, a young woman who was up without complaint, in the five a.m. hour, dressed and loading the van to help. It is futile to grasp at the way things have always been done, even if that "always" was just last year or last month or last week. We can't stop the daylight from spreading across the sky. We can't stop the children from growing. We can't stop the movement of the Holy Spirit. We shouldn't try. The Lord knows what is best for us. We have to listen to his voice and move along that path. There is no standing still. Easter is about change and it is this change we should embrace.

Happy Easter Season,
